
Birthing Experience (Long Post)

That Saturday morning January, 13th 2018, at 4 am, I woke up to the toilet feeling very uncomfortable and to my surprise there was blood on my panty. I quickly woke my husband up and showed him the blood stain. I remember sitting down on the couch contemplating to call the hospital because we are unsure of what the sign means. I was hesitant to call because I didn't feel any contractions and I'm afraid that I would waste their time at this hour. However, my husband insisted since we were unsure and it is best to call and ask. So I rang the hospital and the midwife invited us over to have a look.

When we were at the hospital, the midwife had me checked and told us it was just a bloody show. However, just to make sure, we have to wait for a doctor to examine me before allowing us to go home. After a couple of hours of waiting, at about 8am, the doctor finally came to examine me. He said, there was a trace of protein and white blood cells in my urine, and my blood pressure was high as well at that time, plus the blood (which he is unsure where it came from). He said this could be the sign that I'm starting to develop pre-eclampsia. Therefore, since I'm already 40 weeks pregnant, he decided for me to be induced and have our little Bub on that day.

After the doctor left, the midwife came to give us a little bit of explanation on how induced labour is going to be. She was saying that the drugs that contain Oxytocin hormone may or may not work the first time to start the labour and it may take up to 3 days and there is a high chance of emergency caesarean to happen. I remember I was so scared thinking that I could be in labour for 3 days and could potentially end up on the operation table. I looked at my husband and cried because I wasn't ready, are we actually ready? My husband calmed me down, he told me everything is going to be fine and to just focus on meeting our little Bub.

I was then transferred from the Triage to the labour room. Another doctor and the head of midwife came to brief us again about inducing labour. The doctor told me once they inserted the pessary strip, I should go for a walk to help quicken the process and also to have some food for energy to push later. I was telling my husband, ok later we'll go for lunch at the cafe then. So I was put on monitor for a while to check the baby's heart beat etc. 


At 10.30 am, the midwife came and inserted the hormone strip. As soon as the strip went in, the pain started to crept in. I couldn't stand up straight nor walk. All I could do is just curled up on the bed and try to breath in the pain. It was very painful that after one and a half hour enduring the pain, I had to ask for some painkillers. The midwife just gave me some Paracetamol and Codeine. Even after the painkillers I could still feel the pain and I had to call the midwife again and asked if I could get any stronger medication. However, she doesn't looked convinced enough that I am in pain. She had me checked and I was only 1cm dilated at that time. Therefore, she suggested for me to have a warm bath to reduced the pain. I agreed to that and I was taken to a different room with a bath tub. She added some essential oils to the bath that she prepared. I was in there battling with the pain for about 2 hours. In my head I kept on 'berzikir' all the time and every time the contraction pain came, I imagined my vagina is like a flower blooming, opening wider and wider hahah

At about 5-ish pm, I couldn't bear the pain anymore. I called the midwife and begged her to please give me something even stronger to take the pain away but she couldn't give me anything and asked me to hold on for a little bit longer as she had to attend to other task. I was so frustrated because I was in so much pain that I couldn't sit still. Whenever the contraction came, there was blood rushing out. I was crying to my husband, saying it hurts so bad and it was to the point that suddenly when the contraction came, I felt like pushing. I told my husband I felt the urged to push. He panicked for a second and told me not to push. We called the midwife again and told her about it and a different midwife (trainee) quickly came with a push chair and wheeled me back to the labour room. When I was back in the labour room the midwife checked me again and I was 6cm dilated. At that time I was in very excruciating pain that I told her to give me Epidural. She refused and told me to have gas and air instead. I couldn't think straight and just agreed to that and as soon as she gave the nozzle to me, I inhale the gas in and out so quickly that I forgot how to breathe properly. She then calmed me down and told me to slowly take a deep breath in and out.

I still remember in between inhaling and exhaling the gas, I said to my husband that I miss my mum and also asked him to forgive me for all the wrongdoing that I've done to him, but my husband was laughing thinking I was high on drugs haha.

After 10 minutes on the gas and air, the midwife told me I'm 10cm dilated and asked me to start pushing. She guided me by telling me to grab on to my thigh, pull them up towards my body, chin down to my chest, big deep breath, hold it in and push as hard as I can. On my third push, the midwife said that she is going to break my water, but when she was about to do that, my water broke while I was pushing. I think I've tried to push for about 5 times but little Bub still won't come out. The midwife then said that she is going to call the doctor to help get the baby out and she said to me let see if I could beat the doctor to it. I finally gathered all my strength and started to push as hard as I could, without I realised there were about 5 midwives in the room cheering up for me. As soon as the little Bub's head came out, the midwife stopped me from pushing. Apparently his umbilical cord were wrapped around his neck. The midwife tried to get it off around his neck but couldn't do so. She then told me to push when instructed to get our little Bub out.

He finally came out after another like two pushes. However, they quickly put him the oxygen mask to monitor his breathing. They let me hold him for about 2 minutes before taking him to the Neonatal Unit just for further monitoring and checking. I was then stitched up and was asked by the midwife to have a shower after that. Everything was still blurry to me at that time until when they brought over my baby back to me for his first feed. My heart felt so full. 

Pregnancy Journey

Ah, finally, I get to have some quiet me time while my little Bub is snoring and farting away in his rocker heehee. Staring at him and looking back on the journey that we have been through (pregnancy and birth) makes me think differently about life. It was definitely a live changing experience. I have always wanted to write/document the journey but whenever I'm in front of the computer my mind went blank, but this time I will try my best to write it here.

The day when I discovered that I was pregnant. It was Saturday, 6th May 2017. I took the pregnancy test unintentionally because I was suppose to have my period on that day and still believe that I will get it later on during the day, but however I don't know why when I woke up that day I just felt like taking the test without expecting anything. This is because we have been trying for 2 years and have been sad and frustrated every time seeing the test result. I was shocked when the test came out positive and ended up using all the pregnancy test that I have. I remember sitting on the staircase crying because I just couldn't believe what I just saw. I texted the picture of the pregnancy test to my husband who was at his parents house at that time. I could tell that he was in disbelief as well and later on came home with a bunch of flowers for me. I showed him the test, we hugged and cried.                   


It was pretty much a smooth pregnancy for me. During the first few weeks of my pregnancy, I experienced fatigue and pretty much lost appetite to eat. At one time, all I wanted to eat was just a plate full of chips hahah. About 11 weeks into my pregnancy, instead of morning sickness, I experienced 'evening sickness' and this happened every time after I had my evening meals. Magically it stopped when I was about 16 weeks pregnant hahah. When I reached the third trimester, I started to feel uncomfortable. I've been getting a pain on the upper right of my abdoment. I couldn't walk for very long especially after I had a meal and couldn't sleep very well at night too as little Bub were so busy kicking inside me. When we went for our, hmm I think it was 30-31 weeks scan, I told the sonographer about the pain I've been getting. She had a look and found that there were some gallstones in my gallbladder and that potentially what caused the pain. We went for a further checkup at the hospital and the consultant said that they can't do anything about it until the baby is born. Unless if the pain is very unbearable, they will have to get the baby out early, which is not good for the baby.

Towards the end of my pregnancy, I was getting very anxious and more and more uncomfortable. I could remember chanting 'When is the baby coming out', 'I'm tired', 'So uncomfortable', everyday to my husband. My last checkup was at 40 weeks. I was kind of annoyed with the midwife for not giving me a good reassuring answer to when and what should I do next since the baby is still not out yet, at least give me a date for an induction. She was only suggesting that I should try eat spicy food, pineapple and drink raspberry leave tea to help start the delivery. Then, after the checkup, we went to have some food at The Brewers Fayre. I was addicted to their passion fruit mocktails and little did I know that our Bub is coming out less than 24 hour later.